
25541 Barton Rd. Suite 4 Loma Linda, CA 92354



February Chamber Networking Breakfast

Jeffrey Gillette, the Loma Linda Fire Battalion Chief, will be covering the benefits of learning hands-only CPR incorporated with an AED to increase a person in cardiac arrest chance of survival. Anyone can make a difference and become a life-saver with minimal training. Studies by the American Heart Association have shown that early access CPR along with an AED prior to emergency services arrival significantly increases the patients chances of survival.
In this brief interactive presentation, we will show you how to perform hands-only CPR and incorporate an AED. We will also show some real life examples of saves caught on camera. At the end of the presentation, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a future CPR training course. You can make a difference, look forward to seeing you there!
Wednesday, February 6
7:30 am @ Community Room at City Hall
$10 members /$15 non-members
or a raffle prize of equal value