
25541 Barton Rd. Suite 4 Loma Linda, CA 92354



Annual Community Awards and Installation of Officers Dinner

TownPlace Suites 10336 Richardson Street,, Loma LInda, CA, United States

The City of Loma Linda and the Loma Linda Chamber of Commerce invite you to join us for the Annual Community Awards & Chamber Installation Dinner Thursday, January 30, 2025 5:00 pm TownePlace Suites 10336 Richardson Street, Loma Linda Individual Seating Members $90 Potential Members $100 Sponsorships

Mayor’s Breakfast

Annual Mayor's Breakfast City Updates  - Reserve Your Seats Click Here

Business Breakfast

Business Breakfast: The Chamber holds it's Monthly Membership Breakfast on the first Wednesday of each month.  Please plan to join us. We meet at 8 a.m. at Angelo's Restaurant / Najwa's Cuisine, 11275 Mountain View, Suite D, Loma Linda, CA.  Doors open at 7:45 a.m. Cost is $25 for Members and $35 for potential members